Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tired and Busy

Comfest was  full of fun an rain. I had a wonderful time. Trying to live more in the present and focus more on myself here are some picture highlights of this weekend.

On day three of new app. It seems fun.https://www.zombiesrungame.com/

Yes, I do enjoy a good zombie game. My sweetie even made me a T-shirt that says zombie #1 but i would hope I would be on the human side for a good while killing zombies and eating Twinkie's.  Interesting fun fact I learned from a friend yesterday. Modern archaeologist when the fill back in dig sites in Egypt are leaving  wrapped Twinkie  in the site so future dig teams know the site has been disturbed before and can date approximately when.   So when you can't find that last Twinkie on earth that is where they are at.

I have a the http://prettymuddywomensrun.com/   5k run up coming with my Adventuhers Group. So, you guys and girls will probably see lots of health and work out news on here the next few weeks/ months. Just wanted to warn you.  Also, I stumbled across these great healthy crock-pot meal recipes this morning.   http://greatist.com/health/healthy-crock-pot-recipes/

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